William Bradford's writing style in "Of Plymouth Plantation" is considered Puritan writing. Puritan writing has some key characteristics such as the strong belief in God - this is the reason everything he writes has a strong symbolism, he thinks many things that happens is a sign from God.
Also, the Puritan writing uses plain style, it is simple, direct and straightforward. This characteristic was meant to show that Christ was the only savior and that people would never be good enough to save themselves. Additionally, Puritanical literature always speaks of purposefulness, this is the main rock that sustained Bradford’s work.
Contemporary writing is a different style, it is defined as the literature written after World War II. It reflects social or political viewpoints instead of religious ones, they have realistic characters and connections with current events. The main difference here is that there’s no purposefulness and no strong religious symbolism.
Step-by-step explanation:
William Bradford's writing style in "Of Plymouth Plantation" is considered Puritan writing. Puritan writing has some key characteristics such as the strong belief in God - this is the reason everything he writes has a strong symbolism, he thinks many things that happens is a sign from God.
Also, the Puritan writing uses plain style, it is simple, direct and straightforward. This characteristic was meant to show that Christ was the only savior and that people would never be good enough to save themselves. Additionally, Puritanical literature always speaks of purposefulness, this is the main rock that sustained Bradford’s work.
Contemporary writing is a different style, it is defined as the literature written after World War II. It reflects social or political viewpoints instead of religious ones, they have realistic characters and connections with current events. The main difference here is that there’s no purposefulness and no strong religious symbolism.