Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), was influenced by Romantic Era (1800-1860) ideas and thoughts, revealing in her poems some characteristics, such as importance of nature and beauty, the constant presence of themes as death, spirituality and subjectivity. We can find some of these themes in her Poem 449, where she speaks as a person who died for beauty (death and beauty) and meet in the next tomb someone who died for truth, they conclude that they died for the same reason (spirituality and subjectivity), and they talk until the moss cover their names and their lips (nature):
"I died for Beauty--but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb
When One who died for Truth, was lain
In an adjoing Room--
He questioned softly "Why I failed?"
"For Beauty," I replied--
"And I--for truth--Themself are One--
We Brethren, are," He said--
And so, as Kinsmen, met a Night--
We talked between the Rooms--
Until the Moss had reached our lips--
And covered up--our names-- "