The period between the Maurya empire and Mongolia expansion in India was from 320 before Christ to 1237 after Christ. Many years in which the political and economic régime of India changes, as well as the different empires that ruled the territory.
To establish the way how imperial governments inside India interacted with other governments and regions outside India need a summarize. We should notice that influence in the world from its culture is crucial, for example, the Arabic numbers.
- A bit of history:
The succession of powerful dynasties and empires for more than three millennia in various areas of the subcontinent that includes the growth of Muslim domains interconnected with Hindu powers was on the rise until the British colonization.
- From the third century a. C. Prácrita and Pali literature in the north and Sangam literature in the south began to flourish. Then, wootz steel originated in southern India in the third century BC. C. and was exported abroad.
- During the Gupta Empire, various aspects of Indian civilization, administration, culture, and religion (Hinduism and Buddhism) expanded to much of Asia.
- The kingdoms of southern India maintained maritime ties with the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
- At the beginning of the Middle Ages, Indian mathematicians influenced the development of mathematics and astronomy in the Arab world and introduced the Hindu numbers.