C)choose the candidates in each party receiving more than 50 percent of the vote to face off in the general election.
Step-by-step explanation:
A primary election (primary of nomination), or simply primary, is a choice in which the voters under a jurisdiction select the candidate that a party will present to a later public election. In other words, it is a democratic way of pre-selecting the candidate that a party will present to a certain electoral process. The "Primaries" are more common in the United States, not only for the presidential elections but also to choose the candidates for representatives, senators, mayors and governors, among others, and their origins go back to the progressive movement. The first party to carry them out was Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive Party, followed by the Democratic and Republican parties. Even the minority Communist Party of EE. UU accepted the regime of the primaries, obtaining a positive vote of six electors the year 1948 in Massachusetts. There, primary elections are held by the government on behalf of the parties. In the rest of the world, the nomination of presidential candidates is usually the responsibility of political parties and organizations and does not include the general public.