Boudicea is both an amazing historical figure and a fascinating take on the legendary warrior-queen. She opposes the patriarchal Romans wearing her womanhood as a badge of honour, crying out against injustice.
1.Mom goes to War: Many of the classical women warriors are presented as young virgins. Boudicea was neither. The Flame-haired Warrior-queen had several daughters (who went to war with her, though we don’t know if they fought) and a deceased husband.
2. The savage: She is ferocious and savage, a definite outsider praying to foreign gods and leading a massive army of painted savages to drown southern Britain in blood.
3. The Woman: Despite her ferocity, Boudicea maintains her feminine quality, exotic as well as deadly.
4. Overcoming suffering: She suffered brutal indignities but came out swinging. She converted her sorrow into power.
5) The Individual Defiant: One woman standing up the the cruelty of Roman soldiers and Roman merchants, becoming an example for years to come, despite her eventual doom.