McKinley lists four reasons as evidence that war with Spain/an invasion of Cuba was necessary;
i) First, President McKinley felt responsible for protecting the lives and property of Americans in Cuba and indemnity for life and property which no government there can or could afford.
ii) Humanitarian cause and to put an end to the barbarianism, starvation, blood feuds, and horrible problems that existed.
iii) President McKinley further felt the right to intervene might be justified by the severe injury to the American commerce, trade, and business, and through the wanton destruction of property and devastation of Cuba.
iv) President McKinley illustrated how such a conflict that had waged for years on an island that was so close to America and with which Americans had exchanged concerning trade and business relations. McKinley expressed how American citizen lives and liberty were in constant danger as their property was destroyed and themselves ruined; while foreign nation warships seized trading vessels liable to seizure. He viewed all these and others as a constant menace to the American peace.