735 divided by 6, or in standard form,
, is a division problem.
In order to divide 735 by 6, you must first:
See how many times 6 goes into 7: 1 time
Then subtract 6 from 7 (which comes from the 7 in the hundreds place): Which gives you 1
Then bring down the 3 and combine it with 1: Which gives you 13
Once you do that, see how many times 6 goes into 13: 2 times
Subtract 12 from 13: You get 1
Then bring down the 5 and combine it with the 1: Which gives you 15
Finally, see how many time 6 goes into 15: 2 times
Subtract 12 from 15: You get 3
This means that the answer is: 122 with a remainder of 3
This is the process: