I find finance law the most intimidating of all the law categories involved with starting and running a business. The laws on tax obligations to your state and federal governments are incredibly daunting, especially because when you don't follow laws like these correctly you could be in a bad situation. In addition, I think that the antitrust laws, would be difficult to understand, as it is harder to have an exact set of rules when it is dealing with fair competition in a market, since it would be market specific, you would have to be very careful that your knowledge is correct. In order to make these laws less intimidating, I would take it one area at a time. First, when thinking about the tax laws, I would find out each area that a business has to pay tax in, and how they figure out how much they owe. When it comes to antitrust laws, I would look at some of the most common general markets, and how they regulate fair competition. Bankruptcy laws are also involved with financial laws, these are fairly simple. When a company files for bankruptcy and is declared bankrupt, they are unable to pay their creditors due to their legal condition. In other cases, a business would simply be given time to reorganize financially, and attempt to keep their business afloat.