4 forks and 255 knives will be needed more, while 116 spoons are extra.
A restaurant has 1996 forks, 1745 knives and 2116 spoons.
Owner wants to have 2000 of each utensil.
So make them equal to 2000, number of forks needed = 2000 - 1996 = 4
[Subtracted from 2000 because number of forks are less than 2000]
Number of knives needed = 2000 - 1745
= 255
[Again subtracted from 2000 because number of knives are less]
Number of spoons to be donated = 2116 - 2000
= 116
[2000 is subtracted from total number of spoons because spoons are more than 2000]
Therefore, 4 forks and 255 knives will be needed more, while 116 spoons are extra.