1)Seek shelter
2)Gather supplies like food.
3)Gather pets.
During a storm it's important that you seek shelter because, anything can happen.
-During a strong storm, gather supplies, and pets. Don't forget too grab a radio because, signal might go out and a radio is your best bet.Then seek shelter in a basement, storm shelter, or an intirior room(Which is in the middle of your house) and wait out the storm.
-During a flood it's important that you get out so you don't drown. If your on the road and you see high water don't take a risk TURN AROUND AND DON"T DROWN. If you are in a house that's flooded/flooding grab your pets, phone, food and a radio and get too high ground. If you can't find high ground try getting on your roof, or even a car.Remember don't swim unless you have too, and don't go near power lines, or anything that consumes power.It's very deadly.