The levels of organization help in individual development and to know abow diversity in Biosphere.
Step-by-step explanation
According to various levels of the organization, the process of a being formation starts from the atom level and end at Biosphere. These various level are including such as atomic level, cell level, tissue level, organ level, organelles level, individual level, population, community and biosphere. The different living beings of different species exist in the biosphere which has unbreakable relation among each other. It is mentioned that these different living beings (microbes, plants and animals and their subcategories) have started their life cycle from the atomic level and cell level. So, the various changes in the atomic and cell levels create the significant difference for the next steps to create the individuals. These individuals when form population and community, they create the diversity in the environment or at a large level as in the biosphere. So, it is important to study the different levels of the organization to better understand the significance of diversity in the biosphere.