Purple and short it's fat, big eyes, elf ears, pointy toes and a dragons tail.
It wears a pink vest, And sandals.
1. his house is in a forest in a tall vintage tree with 3 brothers and a sister.
the outside has a waterfall a slide and a soccer ball,
it plays because she is 10, and she hunts for deers and birds of all types.
it eats honey and leaves for breakfast, hot oats for lunch, and bird or deer-
He wakes up and goes to monster school with lots of other Dragonbears like her, and after school she does her tasks like doing homework, cleaning her room, eating lunch with her siblings, asking mom or dad for help with her school assignments. and brushes her fangs and lays in bed, but run out of bed once more for dinner,
They talk about their day! and once done doing dishes and back to her room for story time with mom and dad about a book called-
Super Bear!.
She says "Goodnight mom ! Goodnight dad! ."
They both reply "Goodnight sweetheart lights out and sweet dreams!."
She lays to her side and drifts off to sleep thinking about the book she just listened to.