1. The right answer is Spinal cord (central nervous system).
The spinal cord is a long and fragile tubular structure that begins at the lower end of the brainstem and ends at the bottom of the spine (spine). The spinal cord is made up of nerve fibers that carry incoming and outgoing messages that circulate between the brain and the rest of the body. It is also the center of reflexes, like the patellar reflex.
2. The right answer is Vegetative nervous system (called also autonomic nervous system).
The autonomic nervous system or visceral nervous system (also called the vegetative nervous system) is the part of the nervous system responsible for functions not subject to voluntary control. It controls particularly smooth muscles (digestion, vascularization ...), heart muscles, the majority of exocrine glands (digestion, sweating ...) and certain endocrine glands. The autonomic nervous system contains peripheral but also central neurons.