First of all, let's analyze each word that completes the blanks.
(1) concierto
This word translates into concert. It's a singular noun we use to refer a live music performance in front of an audience.
(2) grupo
This word translates into music group or band. It's a singular noun in masculine form and is a group of people who perform instrumental or vocal music. Since favorito, the adjective after the noun, is given in masculine and singular form, the noun must agree with it in both gender and number. That's the reason we choose grupo and not banda which is a feminine noun.
(3) sencillo
This word translates into lead vocalist. So, Fernando García is the member of clandestinos group whose voice is the most prominent when performing a show.
(4) sencillo
This word translates into single. It's a singular noun in masculine form and is a is a record release with only one or two songs with the purpose of promotional uses.
(5) álbumes
This word translates into albums. It's a plural noun. An album is a collection of several pieces of music available as a single item on a CD, the internet, etc. In this way, albums (álbumes) is the set of more than one album.
(6) compact discs
This word translates into compact discs. Discos is given in plural form and is the set of more than one compact disc.
(7) tienda
Tienda or more specifically tienda de discos translates into record shop. This is a store where compact discs are sold.
(8) divertir
This word translates into have fun. In this way, divertir is a verb given in infinitive.
(9) espectáculo
This word means show. So, a concert is actually a great show. In this way, espectáculo is a masculine noun
- Guillermo: No puedo creer que vayamos al concierto de clandestinos. Es mi grupo favorito.
I can't believe we are going to the concert of clandestinos. It's my favorite band.
- Carmen: A mí me encanta Fernando García, el vocalista. ¿tienes su último sencillo?
I love Fernando García. Do you have his latest single?
- Guillermo: ¡Qué pregunta! Tengo todos sus álbumes. Carmen, gracias por comprar los discos por internet, comprarlos en la tienda hubiera sido imposible.
What question! I have all the albums. Carmen, thank you for buying the compact discs online, buying them in the record shop would have been impossible.
- Carmen: De nada. Nos vamos a divertir mucho. Los conciertos de clandestinos son un verdadero espectáculo
You're welcome. We'll have so much fun. The concerts of clandestinos are really a fantastic show