Matter can exist in five states .Generally we consider three fundamental states which are solid,liquid and gases.
There are two deciding factors which determine the states of a system.These are the mean kinetic energy of the particles and inter molecular force of attraction.
In case of solids the atoms are closely aggregated to each other due to the strong inter molecular force. The particles in case of solids oscillate about their mean position . Hence they have only vibrational kinetic energy which is very low as compared to the attractive force of the atoms. Hence the state is solid.
In case of liquids one will find translational kinetic energy .The average kinetic energy is larger than solids but not so large as compared to the magnitude of the atomic forces.Hence the state of the substance is liquid.
In case gas there are three types of kinetic energy of the particles .They have translational,vibrational as well as rotational kinetic energy.The average kinetic energy of the particles is very high as compared to the weak Vanderwaal's force.Hence the total average kinetic energy overcomes the attraction between them.
Hence the answer will be average kinetic energy.