We talked about our friendship and she said " Well, the truth is that our life isn’t matter who we are as becoming friend or the real relationship who are likely supporting and listener that can understand. We just need to focus our positive life and future before becoming success. It’s our own choice to find the right person to become the real relationship. That’s fine of your own choice either you find a different person. I can still be friend with you other than into our real relationship.
Friend and the couple into relationships doesn’t matter to us choosing our own choic upe path what we want to do in the future. For example, becoming as the friend or become into sweetheart mean same things supporting, enjoying, and listening each other.
For me, I can always be your friend as a listener, friendly and a supporter. You can find other person who are into feeling of love if I say no. My own choice is that my path isn’t going into happen like our final wish had finally come to be together. While you already in love with somebody else, that’s your choice and can be still friends with me. It’s because we all understood how we felt about finding the right path and person we really want us ( the people ) into the love relationship. I may want to find other person that are match our life of personalities and favorite hobbies. It’s up to you and me with our different choice.
That’s all right to be friend continuing while we can enjoy our happiness life! Especially, the love relationship can stay the same as well a friend."
I have a trouble understanding her so can you help me to understand what she's saying please?