Your final answer would be $40.26
First, calculate 7% of $33, to do this, you can divide 33 by 100, which is 0.33, then multiply 0.33 by 7 to get 2.31.
So the 7% tax would be $2.31.
Next, calculate 15% of $33 to find how much they tipped. Divide 33 by 100 which is 0.33, then multiply 0.33 by 15 which is 4.95.
So their 15% tip is $4.95.
Lastly, add the tax, tip, and total bill excluding tax.
2.31+4.95=7.26, then 7.26+33=40.26
Making their grand total $40.26
I also took the quiz and this answer was right, hope this helped you!