1. Cynical 2. Continuum 3. Gentry 4. Reconciliation 5. Despondency 6. Status Quo 7. Allusion 8. Epitome 9. Dramatic irony 10. Foreshadowing 11. Contrived
1. Sarcastic and distrustful of human nature
2. A link between two or more things; a plane or line
3. The English upper-class ranking just below the nobility
4. The ending of a conflict
5. State of being very unhappy
6. The state of affairs that currently exist
7. A reference to well-known people, places, myths, or literature
8. A typical example of a type, mode, class, or characteristic
9. The difference between what the audience knows and what the character expects
10. Used to indicate something will happen later
11. Unconvincing; intended to look authentic but actually planned
All of these are definitions of literary devices that are used in many of the most common plays and pieces of work, altogether help the writer to create the mood, and to set the atmosphere and pace of the literary work.