1. Las dependientas NO venden NINGUNA blusa
2. NADIE va de compras al centro comercial
3. NUNCA me cepillo los dientes antes de salir
4. NO te voy a traer NINGÚN programa de computadora
5. Mi hermano NO prepara NADA de comer
6. NO quiero tomar NADA en el café de la librería
Step-by-step explanation:
To correctly answer this exercise, we first need to remember the importance of identifying what are we saying in Spanish (as in all languages). Following that, we have two kinds of sentences:
1. POSITIVE SENTENCES: They affirm what is expressed by the conjugated verb.
For example: In Yo compro comida (I buy food) we don’t have any contradiction between what the verb is expressing and what is said by the contextual meaning of our production.
2. NEGATIVE SENTENCES: They deny what is expressed by the conjugated verb.
For example: Yo NO compro comida (I don’t boy food); here we have a contradiction between the conjugated verb meaning and the contextual sentence’s situation, so when reading it we understand that the food is not bought.
Here there is some advice you can follow to identify and create new sentences in Spanish:
1. FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION IN ADVERBS: They will help you to easily identify if your sentence is a positive of a negative one. REMEMBER: Sí and No (yes and no) are both adverbs.
2. ALGÚN AND NINGÚN: Algún will be used when you have a positive sentence, while ningún indicates negation.
GRAMMAR TIP: Notice how when we have a negative sentence it is common to use double negation (ADVERB NO + NINGÚN(A)), but when having positive sentences it is common to omit the adverb SÍ.
No, ningún, ninguna, nunca, nada, nadie.
ANSWERS (all are negative sentences):
1. Las dependientas NO venden NINGUNA blusa
2. NADIE va de compras al centro comercial
3. NUNCA me cepillo los dientes antes de salir
4. NO te voy a traer NINGÚN programa de computadora
5. Mi hermano NO prepara NADA de comer
6. NO quiero tomar NADA en el café de la librería