The correct answer is:
1. Egon Schiele painted - lonely emaciated forms
2. Vienna 1900 struggled to break with - the traditions of the nineteenth century
3. Emperor Franz Joseph represented - permanence and stability
4. Austrian artistic life revolved around - baroque history painting of the Fine Arts Academy
5. The Viennese Secession building - simplicity and distinctive ornamental dome
6. Reflected transformations in early 20th century - Art Nouveau
7. Secessionist painter Klimt - The Kiss
8. Klimt was reacting against - conservatism, strict moral codes
9. Schiele believed sexual ecstasy had - a spiritual dimension
10. Schiele was obsessed with - the self, a modern preoccupation
11. Art Nouveau - means "new art"
12. Symbolism - occurred between 1885 and 1910