1): 35., 052 ======> 5 Highlighted ====> 5/10
3 ======> Hundred-Thousands Place
5 =====> Ten-Thousands Place
Decimal ======> Thousands Place
0 =====> Hundreds Place
5 ======> Tens Place
2 =====> Ones Place
2): 5., 654 ======> 4 Highlighted =====> .4 ====> 2/5
5 ======> Ten-Thousands Place
Decimal ======> Thousands Place
6 =====> Hundreds Place
5 ======> Tens Place
4 =====> Ones Place
3): 4, .95 ======> 9 Highlighted ====> 9/10
4 ======> Thousands Place
Decimal ====> Hundreds Place
9 ======> Tens Place
5 ======> Ones Place
4): Write in Standard Form:
Thirty-Four and Twelve Hundredths ======> Standard Form =====> 34.12
Expanded Notation Form: ====> 30 + 4 + 0.1 + 0.02
Expanded Factors Form: ===> 3 * 10 + 4 * 1 + 1 * 0.1 + 2 * 0.01
Expanded exponential Form: ===> 3 * 10^1 + 4 * 10^0 + 1 * 10^ -1 + 2 * 10^-2
Word Form: ===> Thirty-Four and Twelve Hundredths
5): 2 * 10 + 4 * 1 + (7 * 1/10 ) + (4 * 1/100) + (5 * 1/1000)
Standard Form ====> 24.745 =====> 24,745
Expanded Notation Form: ====> 20 + 4 + 0.7 + 0.04 + 0.005
Expanded Factors Form: ===> 2 * 10 + 4 * 1 + 7 * 0.1 + 4 * 0.01 + 5 * 0.001
Expanded exponential Form: ===> 2 * 10^1 + 4 * 10^0 + 7 * 10^-1 + 4 * 10^-2 + 5 *10^-3
Word Form: =====> Twenty-four and seven hundred forty-five thousandths ======> 24.745
Hope that helps!!! : )