Convert the whole number to a fraction. To do this, give the whole number a denominator of 1. ...
Convert to fractions of like denominators. ...
Subtract the numerators. ...
Convert to a mixed number (optional
Subtraction is the operation of taking the difference of two numbers and . Here, is called the minuend, is called the subtrahend, and the symbol between the and is called the minus sign. The expression " " is read " minus ." Subtraction is the inverse of addition, so .
Subtraction is an arithmetic operation that represents the operation of removing objects from a collection. ... Subtraction is signified by the minus sign (−). For example, in the adjacent picture, there are 5 − 2 apples—meaning 5 apples with 2 taken away, which is a total of 3 apples.
hope this helped there is more but ill save you the reading :)