9514 1404 393
- 0.708 m
- 1560 dam
- 108 mL
- 118.3 mL (rounded)
- 4.36 gal (rounded)
- 0.04131 days (rounded)
- 960 mo
- 25.85 °C
- 93 1/3 °C
- 0.010866 kg
The conversions between SI prefix values can be found in any table of those prefixes. Other conversions needed are ...
1 tbsp = 14.7876478125 mL . . . . commonly rounded to 15 mL
1 gal = 3.785411784 L
1 day = 86,400 s
F = 9/5C +32 . . . . . formulas for conversion between temperature scales
K = C +273.15
Applying the necessary conversions, we have ...
1. 708 mm = 0.708 m . . . 1000 mm = 1 m
2. 15.6 km = 1560 dam . . . 100 dam = 1 km
3. 108 cc = 108 mL . . . 1 cc = 1 mL
4. 8 tbsp ≈ 118.3 mL . . . using the above conversion
5. 16.5 L ≈ 4.36 gal . . . using the above conversion
6. 3,569 s ≈ 0.04131 days . . . using the above conversion
7. 4 score = 960 mo . . . 1 score = 240 months
8. 299 K = 25.85 °C
9. 200 °F = 93 1/3 °C
10. 10,866 mg = 0.010866 kg . . . 1,000,000 mg = 1 kg
Additional Comment
For conversions other than temperature, the conversion factor used is one that is equivalent to 1. That is, the numerator has the same value as the denominator—only the units are different. The conversion in general looks like ...

where the conversion factor is ...
A units you want = B units you have