The answer is 0.444.
Note the following pattern for repeating decimals:
0.22222222... = 2/9
0.54545454... = 54/99
0.298298298... = 298/999
Division by 9's causes the repeating pattern.
Note the pattern if zeros precede the repeating decimal:
0.022222222... = 2/90
0.00054545454... = 54/99000
0.00298298298... = 298/99900
Adding zero's to the denominator adds zero's before the repeating decimal.
To convert a decimal that begins with a non-repeating part, such as 0.21456456456456456..., to a fraction, write it as the sum of the non-repeating part and the repeating part.
0.21 + 0.00456456456456456...
Next, convert each of these decimals to fractions. The first decimal has a divisor of power ten. The second decimal (which repeats) is converted according to the pattern given above.
21/100 + 456/99900
Now add these fraction by expressing both with a common divisor
20979/99900 + 456/99900
and add.
Finally simplify it to lowest terms
and check on your calculator or with long division.
= 0.2145645645...