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1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
2. There are 30 cows in the field, and 28 chickens. How many didn't?
3. What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?
4. David's father has three sons : Snap, Crackle and _____ ?
5. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
6. What room do ghosts avoid?
7. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?
8. What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?
9. You live in a one storey house made entirely of redwood. What color would the stairs be?
10. What has many keys, but can't even open a single door?
1. A towel.
2. 10. 30 cows in a field. 20 ATE chickens. How many didn't? Well, if 20 of the cows ate chickens, then subtract 20 from 30 and you'll get 10! (But seriously what kind of cow eats chickens?)
3. The word is starting! starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I. Cool, huh?
4. David. They mentioned his father, so it means David is one of the sons... but who would name their kids Snap, Crackle, and David?!
5. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
6. The living room.
7. In the dictionary.
8. Your name.
9. What stairs? You live in a one storey house
10. A piano.