1. Habeas corpus
2. Corpus delicti
3. Deposition
4. Mandamus
5. Hearing
6. Appeal
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Habeas corpus: Writ requiring a person be brought to court (This is a legal process which makes a person be in front of a judge immediately to determine the veracity of their arrest if there is not enough proof the person can be released)
2. Corpus delicti: Facts which prove that a crime has been committed (it is the factual evidence that shows the crime it could be the body of the victim and all the elements that were involved in the event and suffered any kind of damage)
3. Deposition: Written sworn testimony (It is taken before the trial, by an officer to gather the information about the crime from the witnesses)
4. Mandamus: Writ issued by a high court to a lower court (This represents an order that is given to respect and follow the law and it has to be respected and done as a social and legal dutty)
5. Hearing: Investigation before a judge (both parties present their arguments in a public way and they are discussed to determine the result of the case)
6. Appeal: Rehearing in a higher court ( This process presents a request of review after a legal process, where it is asked from one of the parties to re-open the case)