1. Power-hungry militants who grabbed absolute control by force --- TYRANTS
2. Set the rules and maintained authority within the city-state --- ASSEMBLY
3. Set up a code of law and he defined the duties of classes --- SOLON
4. Lofty, financially well-to-do citizens who carried much power within the community --- NOBLES
5. A small group of aristocratic-type men --- OLIGARCHY
Step-by-step explanation:
1- Tyranny, in the sense given to the term in ancient Greece, was the regime of absolute power, usually unipersonal, established by a tyrant; the ruler who had come to power through violence, overthrowing the previous government of a polis.
2- The ekklesia was the main assembly of Athenian democracy in classical Greece. It was established by Solon in 594 BC and had a popular character, open to all male citizens with 2 years of military service.
3- Solon was an Athenian poet, political reformer, legislator and statesman, considered one of the Seven Sages of Greece.
4- In antiquity, the nobility was constituted in the highest, privileged and closed layer of society, constituted by families responsible for securing the military and political authority of power, so that the most important positions and jobs were reserved for them.
5- It is called oligarchy to the small group of people who have power and influence in a certain social, economic and political sector.