Decimal division is super easy, let me show you how.
First, let's remove the decimal from both numbers. We have 184 and 340. Now let's multiply those two numbers.
184*340 = 62560.
Now, we need to figure out how many decimal places are in the original decimals. 18.4 has one decimal place, and 3.4 has one decimal place. (We don't count zeros at the end of a decimal as a decimal place.)
Now that we've figured out that there was a total of two decimal places, there can only be two decimal places in the answer. Let's take the 62560 that we got, and put a decimal in it. Remember, only two decimal places.
If there's only two decimal places in 62560, it would look like this: 62.56 (Remember, zeros at the end of a decimal does not count as a decimal place!)
There's your final answer. 62.56.
Hope this explanation helped you out. :)