China rulers have thought of the military as the base of national security and state power since Mao Tse-tung times, providing benefits for the ones enlisted. Serving in the military in China has many advantages for their veterans, some are social and some simply financial, that can improve the status of someone from a low class.
First, being in the military is a way to obtain social recognition as the military continues to enjoy from a good press in contemporary China. Moreover, this social recognition aligned with the veterans economic scenario often redounded in veterans increasing their perspectives on getting married. The latest could be difficult for someone from a low class as women look up for a provider.
Second, on the economic side, veterans receive subsidies from the government and extra welfare benefits. Beside, veterans are given special consideration to access tertiary education, to re-entry the labor market and they can receive government allowances. It is important to notice that these benefits are given to all veterans, regardless of economic or social background.
To sum up, as social and economic profits are gained by veterans of all classes, social mobility is quite achievable in China by being in the military.