4. In a complete sentence, state the main idea of each paragraph (paragraphs 9 and 10).
The main idea of paragraph 9 and 10 is to inform on what he felt when he saw these churches again and what came to mind in his perspective.
5. In a complete sentence, state the purpose of each paragraph (paragraphs 9 and 10).
The purpose of paragraph 9 and 10 is to shame the churches on giving up on this cause.
6. What is the effect of making these points in the order King has chosen? Respond in two to four sentences.
I feel he made these point in this order to show others how they came down. Before the churches would fight for what they believed in because that is how their god taught them. He also Is lowkey shaming them on giving up so easily on what they believe is to be changed. It is very smart how king stated this to have a bigger impact on his beliefs.