Modeling Mitosis Activity
1. Whatisthediploidnumberofchromosomesinafruitfly?________________
2. Howmanyhomologouspairsofchromosomesdoesafruitflyhave?__________
3. Inthediagram(right),namethestepsthatarepartofmitosis. ____________________________________________________
4. Whichstepsarepartsoftherestofthecellcycle? ____________________________________________________
Modeling mitosis
a. Inlateinterphase(step2onyourboard),theamountofDNAdoubles.Thatmeanseachchromosome now doubles. Select a matching pipe cleaner (same length and color) for each chromosome and slide both through a piece of cereal. You now should have a set of eight doubled chromosomes arranged in homologous pairs.
b. Reviewthemitosisdiagraminyourtextbookandmovethechromosomesthroughtherestofthesteps on your board.
Applying your knowledge
Fill in Table 1 with the correct information.
Number of cells
Number of chromosomes in each nucleus
Number of homologous pairs in each nucleus
Interphase Cytokinesis
Table 1: Cell cycle and mitosis in fruit flies
.. . 0.
11. What is the purpose of mitosis? (3 points) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
A diploid set of human chromosomes contains 23 homologous pairs (46 chromosomes). Fill in Table 2 with the correction information regarding human body cells.
Number of cells
Number of chromosomes in
each nucleus
Number of homologous pairs in each nucleus
Interphase Cytokinesis
Table 2: Cell cycle and mitosis in humans
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
18. Why is it necessary to double the amount of genetic material before mitosis begins? (3 points) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
19. The two daughter cells end up with an exact copy of the genetic material from the parent cell. How does your simulation support this statement? (3 points)