Please answer immediately! :
"Don and Roger were arguing about money, and then Roger insulted Don's mom, so Don hit him." "I heard a lot of yelling, but Roger's voice was louder. He's been in fights before, so I think he started it." "Don dared Roger to hit him after Don made fun of Roger's mom. I would've done the same thing." "I saw Roger hit Don. They were screaming about their mothers. Don was probably asking for it." "The fight wasn't about money at all. Or moms. They were arguing over who was responsible for loosing the football game yesterday. They were just being stupid. I know Don is a good student and Roger isn't. I didn't see who started it, but I guess it was Roger." "Roger was upset that Don made a sarcastic comment, so he shoved Don. Don punched in return." 1. Who has an interest in one person getting in trouble instead of another? 2. What is one account that is trustworthy? What is one account that is not trustworthy? Explain both.