Joint pain and stiffness, fatigue, back and throat pain, impaired coordination, soft tissue injuries, deficiency in connective tissues, changes in the digestive system, varicose veins, hyenas, elastic and very thin skin, drooping eyelids and headaches.
Step-by-step explanation:
Laxity causes a loosening of the joints. This condition allows people to make unusual movements like touching the back with the thumb of the foot, without making any effort. This condition is genetically inherited and although it is benign, the individual's ease in reaching abnormal positions can cause injuries to the joints, muscles, ligaments and a series of problems in the body such as: Joint pain and stiffness, fatigue, back and throat pain, impaired coordination, soft tissue injuries, deficiency in connective tissues, changes in the digestive system, varicose veins, hyenas, elastic and very thin skin, drooping eyelids and headaches.