Do you think that the home meal replacement (HMR) trend in the United States is a positive one?
While the HMR trend could cut down on preparation and clean up time in the kitchen, it’s not entirely positive because they usually contain more calories and preservatives and very few nutrients than food that is cooked with fresh ingredients.
2. How do you think food technology will impact the way food is prepared and consumed in the future?
I think if it gets too technological that cooking will become more machine made, which although could be cheaper, would not be as healthy for the human body.
3. How important do you think it is to make eco-friendly food choices?
Honestly, I do not make eco-friendly food choices, but during this reading, I have seen how important it is to make eco-friendly food choices because the planet is in a serious crisis and partly this comes from our bad eating habits. So by choosing locally grown foods and more eco-friendly choices, we can reduce the damage to the planet.
4. Evaluate your own family's dining habits. Is there anything you would like to change? Why or why not?
As I commented earlier, we could make more eco-friendly food choices and possibly even growing more of our own food because our choices could not only benefit ourselves and our bodies but also the environment.
5. How does a family's discretionary income impact their eating habits?
Income has a big impact on a families eating habits because
families with a higher income have a wider range of food options and they are also more able to travel long distances to find good, nutritional products.
Step-by-step explanation:
These are the answers I wrote for my Culinary Arts class,
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