So to find the answer to this equation, we need to find the Volume. Simply multiple the measurements given. Notice 4.40 ft for the average depth, we need to convert this to metres (3.28ft in 1m) first (for scientific notation and proper units):
4.4ft/3.28ft = 1.3m (about)
Now we can find the entire volume of the pool:
1.3m * 59.8m *41.4m = 3,218.4m^3
Now, since there are 1,000 liters in a cubic metre, you would multiple the cubic meters by this number.
3,218.4m^3 * 1,000L = 3,218,400L
Since you asked in mL, multiple this by 1,000 again.
3,218,400L * 1,000 = 3,218,400,000mL
This is how you do the conversion. Now that you have to convert to scientific notation. Since you seem to follow the sig-figs to the nearest tenth, I will put it into that.
This is your final answer: 3.2 × 10^9
(Move over the decimal of 3,218,400,000.0 over 9 times to the left, resulting in 10^9)
I hope I have helped you.