Rational Numbers: Is a number that can be expressed as the Quotient or Fraction of two Integers; A Numerator b and a non - zero denominator c. Since b may be equal to 1 , Every Integer is a Rational Number. The set of all such numbers are referred to as Rationals. (Ex: 1.5 ==> 3/2, sqrt 2 * sqrt 2 ===> 2 ).
Irrational Numbers: A Real Number that Is NOT Rational is called Irrational. Irrational Numbers include π, sqrt 2, e, and θ. The Decimal Expansion of an Irrational Number continues without repeating. A Set of Real Numbers is Uncountable. Therefore, Almost All Real Numbers Are Irrational. (Ex: PI ==> 3.14, π * π ===> π^2 )
Hope that helps!!!! : )