When finding the percent difference between two numbers, there are two ways you can do this.
1. The first way is how to calculate the percentage INCREASE of two numbers:
-The formula is Increase / Original Number × 100 = % increase
Step 1: Find out the difference between the two numbers you're comparing. New number - Original number = Increase.
Step 2: Divide the increase by the original number and then multiply your answer by 100. (If your answer is a negative number, then it is a percent decrease, not a percent increase.)
2. The second way is how to calculate the percentage DECREASE of two numbers:
Step 1: Find out the difference between the two numbers you're comparing. Original number - New number = Decrease.
Step 2: Divide the decrease by the original number and then multiply your answer by 100. Decrease ÷ Original Number × 100 = % Decrease. (If your answer is a negative number, then is is a percent increase, not a percent decrease.)