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Correct Answers should include the following … Sustainable development in South America is also important due to the fact that we, as a nation, consume many products from the region. While it might be easy to look the other way as helicopters dump pesticides on banana plantations or coastal areas are undergoing severe overfishing, the fact is that these practices will impact our nation eventually. The United States will pay the costs with health related issues or higher prices due to lack of supply. If resources become depleted and other ecosystems are adversely affected, our nation has the potential to suffer as well. In this age of globalization, many people believe that we, as a worldwide community, have a responsibility to get involved and help promote sustainable development around the globe. High population growth generally coincides with low education levels and poor health care. Overpopulation diminishes resources in a country and increases poverty. Overpopulation in South America even impacts the United States due to the increased migration of citizens looking for a better life and a way out of the poverty of their home country.