1. Comment ______ ton ami ?
How [blank] your friend?
a. vas - present tense conjugation of aller ("to go") for the subject tu (comment vas-tu ?).
b. va - present tense conjugation of aller for the subjects ton, votre, and il (comment va ton/votre ami ? or comment va-t-il ?)
c. allez - present tense conjugation of aller for the subject vous (comment allez-vous ?)
d. habite - present tense conjugation of habiter ("to live [somewhere]") for the subjects j', il, and elle (j'habite... or il/elle habite...).
2. D'où ________ -vous?
From where [blank] you?
a. viens - present tense conjugation of venir ("to come") for the subject tu (tu viens de france).
b. appelez - present tense conjugation of appeler ("to call") for the subject vous (vous appelez le garçon).
c. vient - present tense conjugation of venir for the subjects il, elle, and on (il/elle/on vient du portugal).
d. venez - present tense conjugation of venir for the subject vous (vous venez du magasin).
3. Comment s'___________ l'enfant?
What [blank] the child?
a. appelez - this verb is listed above.
b. appelle - present tense conjugation of the verb appeler for the subjects je, il, and elle (je m'appelle or il/elle s'appelle...).
c. habite - this verb is listed above.
d. appelles - present tense conjugation of the verb appeler for the subject tu (tu t'appelles...)
1. b
2. d
3. b