My fellow seniors, sincerely appreciate this opportunity to speak to you today. As your class president, I have been dealing with
financially stressful situation our class is facing. As many of you know, the junior and senior proms are the most expensive social events of the
school year. These proms are costly to produce and to attend. As a cost-saving measure, our student leaders are considering combining these two
dances into a single event. I personally favor a joint prom, and I hope I am able to clearly communicate my reasoning to all of you.
in previous years, the Junior and the senior classes each hosted their own class prom. These formal social functions were similar in many
ways. Each event was held off-campus in the spring and included dinner and dancing. Expenses for these events were paid from funds in the class
treasuries, with the balance coming from individual ticket charges. The two key differences between the events were the style of attire and the
attendees. The junior prom called for semiformal attire and was attended mainly by Juniors. In contrast, the senior prom called for formal attire
and was attended mainly by seniors. The similarities clearly outweigh the differences in both number and importance
Combining these already similar events is the simplest solution to what is quickly becoming an overwhelming financial burden on students
and their families. Hosting one event costs roughly half much as hosting two events. A joint prom would require a much smaller contribution
from each class fund, leaving a hefty balance in each class account to apply toward other activities. In addition, the cost of tickets for a joint event
would be reduced from $100 per couple to 550 per couple, a savings that might enable many more students to attend the event. We can easily
compromise on the attire-perhaps offering attendees the option of wearing semiformal or formal clothing.
Because this affects us all, we have decided to open this decision to a class vote. I hope that when you consider the options, you will
remember that the benefits of a joint prom far outweigh the loss of individual proms.
How does the compare/contrast paragraph affect the overall organization of the speech?
O 1. It supports the overall organization of the speech by comparing different solutions
2. It weakens the overall organization of the speech by changing the focus of the speech
3. It weakens the overall organization of the speech by introducing unimportant issues to consider
4. It supports the overall organization of the speech by building an argument for a particular solution