A student is asked to write an essay on the following essay question: "In Charles Dickens's 'A Christmas Carol' which of the three spirits that visits Scrooge has the greatest effect on him?" Which of the following shows a proofread opening paragraph with a strong thesis statement and formal language?
A. In Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge is bugged by three spirts, each of which blow his mind in different way. The ghost of Christmas Past shows the life that he used to have and how Scrooge has screwed it up. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows him what he is missing and how he should change. Lastly, The Ghost of Christmas Future shows what will happen if he does not change. Together they all play a part in getting Scrooge to change.
B. In Charles Dickens's “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge is bugged by three spooky scary spirits, but it is the ghost of Christmas Future that does a real number on him. While the ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge how he has changed, and the Ghost of Christmas Presents shows him how he should check himself it is the ghost of Christmas Future that shows him why he needs to change. The ghost does this by showing Scrooge not just his own future but how he messes up the futures of those around him.
C. In Charles Dicken’s “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge is visited by three spirts, each of which greatly affect him. The ghost of Christmas Past shows the life that he used to have and how Scrooge has changed. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows him what he is missing and how he should change. Lastly, The Ghost of Christmas Future shows what will happen if he does not change. Together they all play a part in getting Scrooge to change.
D. In Charles Dickens's “A Christmas Carol” Scrooge is visited by three spirits, but it is the Ghost of Christmas Future that has the greatest effect on him. While the ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge how he has changed, and the Ghost of Christmas Presents shows him how he should change it is the ghost of Christmas Future that shows him why he needs to change. The ghost does this by showing Scrooge not just his own future but how he affects the futures of those around him.