7 votes
Refer to the short paragraphs beginning in the

middle of page 5 and ending near the bottom of
page 6. What is the effect of the repeated words
"he has"?
It motivates women to reject assistance from men.
on of Sentiments, which is excerpted on the
es is a document that was signed in 1848 by
at the Seneca Falls Convention, the first
convention in the United States, organized
nen The author of the Declaration was
Stanton, a leading figure of the early
movement She, and others, fought for
For women, including the right to vote.
otely based the title and the language in
che Declaration of Independence, the
declared America's freedom from British
e are familiar with that document's most
hold these truths to be self-evident that all
equal, that they are endowed by their
Cain unalienable Rights, that among these
nd the pursuit of Happiness.
It enumerates ways men have unsuccessfully
attempted to aid women in the past.
It emphasizes the role men played in enforcing
gender inequality
It insinuates that women were amenable to the
way men framed their rights.

1 Answer

6 votes
I don’t now but good luck
User Jason Noble
6.6k points