Andrew can be regarded as a "Niche Differentiator"
Step-by-step explanation:
Which description best fits andrews? for clarity: - a differentiator competes through good designs, high awareness, and easy accessibility. - a cost leader competes on price by reducing costs and passing the savings to customers. - a broad player competes in all parts of the market. - a niche player competes in selected parts of the market. which of these four statements best describes your company's current strategy? select: 1save answer andrews is a niche cost leader andrews is a broad cost leader andrews is a broad differentiator andrews is a niche differentiator?
A niche differentiator focuses on a small segment of an industry. They tend to focus on what could make them stand out by focusing on what other competitors do not focus on. Broad differentiators on the opposite look at wide range of products and targets customers on a large scale. large companies usually are examples of broad differentiators