We are living in a world that has created the demarcation among same specie of Homo sapiens based on their social status, wealth or the other resources they posses. Sociologists refer to this demarcation based on these differences as social stratification.
Symbolic interactionism, is basically a view proposed by sociologists that tries to understand stratification by looking at people’s interaction and understandings in their daily lives.
Effect of stratification on lower class of society:
- According to this view, stratification adversely effects the confidence of lower class of society.
- Poor often live the lives of quiet frustration and try to find the ways to cope up with their poverty.
- They also suffer psychologically with a sense of inferiority and when required to live with upper people even just for small span of time, it gets difficult for them to behave in normal and confident way.
- The people have to learn a new lifestyle if they are ever required to work with upper class. For example, If a girl from lower class is married to a man from higher class, she has to suffer with all the pressure of behaving in a way she has never learnt before.
Hope it helps!