Here are some similarities: Anne names her diary Kitty. In both she gives the people living with them false names (the Van Daan's were really the Van Pels's)
Anne has a troubled relationship with her mother. A thief breaks in Anne shares a room with Mr. Van Daan . In both Anne voices her envy of Margot . And here differences come: the movie begins with Anne's father, Otto, going back to the secret annex and being given the diary the movie takes place as a flashback scene in the movie Anne gets a chance to say goodbye and end her journal, in the book it abruptly stops the scene with the Gestapo taking them away is shown in the movie, in the book we know nothing of it the book goes extensively into Anne's beauty routine, the movie does not. The book has Peter and Anne's relationship being slightly longer. She even has a heart to heart about it with Otto in the book. In case you feel like this will not meet the requirements of the task, check Prime Writings site. They know how to assist you whatever task you have.