Answer: Florida Law requires that pneumatic tires on a passenger tire has to have 1/16 inch tread depth in any two adjacent grooves.
The correct answer is 1/16th.
Step-by-step explanation:
As of 2019, the law in the state of Florida states "the minimum amount of tread is 1/16th of an inch or 2/32 of an inch be between the grooves of a tire."
To determine if your tires are in compliance with the law there are gauges that can be purchased at any auto store and even Wal-Mart. Another way to determine if the treads on a tire are too worn is to use a coin, a penny is a preferable method. The penny can be put in between the grooves of the tire and if Lincoln's head is visible then the tire needs to be replaced.
When the treads on a tire are getting worn down the car can become dangerous. The car will not be able to brake as easy, drive in the rain, snow, and hydroplaning can happen rapidly when treads are low.
In Florida, all cars must be inspected and will not pass the inspection with bad tires. The tires will need to be replaced before the car can be tagged and get a pass on inspection.