The Precambrian Era is the largest on Earth, voering about 600m years, which is around 90% of Earth's age. Nota that this isn't an official era or period, so I recommend calling it "time".
A susystem is system, that functions independently, within another bigger system.
Given all that, let's work trough the differences:
During the precambrian time, some subsystems where not existent.
In the beginning, oceans, lakes and rivers didn't exist, since there still wasn't liquid
on Earth.
Since there wasn't a source of water, trees where also inexistant and started develpoing only later on, when soil was adequate (but still in the precambrian era, remember, it covers about 600 million years).
The geopshere was also different at the start of the Precambrian time. It was more active, there still wasn't inactive volcanoes and these where more common and frequent.
The atmosphere was also very different. Gases at that time where different, and the concentration of these as well.
Hope it helped,