1. A. One of the men is lying in the dumpster because he doesn't have a house. Such people exist in the United States and are mainly relying on charity or people's generosity.
B. The man in the dumpster is using the newspapers as a blanket or sheet to keep himself warm. Without proper beddings, the man can only resort to using old newspaper piles to create a bed for himself.
2. A. The man in the suspenders could represent an immigrant worker. He could be of Bangladeshi descent.
B. As a person of Bangladeshi descent, he is knowledgeable when it comes to his countrymen's living standards and situations. Also, from his concluding statement, it sounded like he is not American because most immigrants would rather stay in America experiencing poverty because there are more opportunities compared to his/her own country
3. The United States has a higher level of development compared to Bangladesh because a simple garbage dump is considered to be a castle in Bangladesh. Obviously this is very exaggerated but even the worst living conditions in the United States are more favorable compared to Bangladesh's best living conditions.