The kidneys are the primary organs that excrete metabolic wastes, especially in the form of nitrogen-based products. The primary end product of nitrogen metabolism in human beings is urea .
Step-by-step explanation:
The kidneys are two organs located on either side of the spine, behind the last ribs, and measure approximately 12 centimeters. Its main functions are: to eliminate toxins or waste resulting from body metabolism: urea, creatinine, uric acid and other metabolic wastes. In addition, it can maintain a constant water balance of the body, excreting excess water, salts and electrolytes, thus preventing the appearance of edema (swelling) and increased blood pressure.
Land animals excrete nitrogen in the form of urea, a very water-soluble compound that is non-toxic to cells. In humans and mammals, almost 80% of the excreted nitrogen is in the form of urea. The kidneys are extremely important in the excretion of urea.