Voy a la recogida de equipajes para buscar mis maletas.
Hay muchos aviones en la pista del aeropuerto.
Yo tomo el sol en las costas del Río de la Plata.
Cuando yo llego, mi madre me da un abrazo muy fuerte.
Voy a la República Dominicana para visitar a mis parientes.
Yo tomo el vuelo número 231 de Miami a Puerto Rico.
Step-by-step explanation:
I go to the baggage claim to find my bags.
I go to the baggage claim to find my bags. There are many planes on the airport runway.
I go to the baggage claim to find my bags. There are many planes on the airport runway. I sunbathe on the shores of the Río de la Plata.
I go to the baggage claim to find my bags. There are many planes on the airport runway. I sunbathe on the shores of the Río de la Plata. When I arrive, my mother gives me a big hug.
I go to the baggage claim to find my bags. There are many planes on the airport runway. I sunbathe on the shores of the Río de la Plata. When I arrive, my mother gives me a big hug. I go to the Dominican Republic to visit my relatives.
I go to the baggage claim to find my bags. There are many planes on the airport runway. I sunbathe on the shores of the Río de la Plata. When I arrive, my mother gives me a big hug. I go to the Dominican Republic to visit my relatives. I take flight number 231 from Miami to Puerto Rico.